Sign up for Summer of Scripting
圖一:Sign up for Summer of Scripting
進入Summer of Scripting的課程畫面後,它會有提醒的字語,說明必需要是可汗學院的學員,才可以報名此課程。這樣系統才會紀錄某位學員的學習進度(To sign up, you need must have an account on Khan Academy. That way, you can track your progress and we can send you weekly emails with your goals, contests and more. )。您可根據是否是新成員而選擇註冊或登入。
圖二:new user&returning user
圖三:Questionair for Sumer of Scripting
再接下來,只要在下方按下[Start learning JS]就可開始您的課程了。注意的是此課程規劃從六月中到八月中,差不多是整個暑假的時間。參加此課程系統會一步步寄信給您,讓您依照進度學習。前提是您要接受此課程,因為看來完全是用英語來進行的,且大約每週要花三個小時以上來練習,才能完成此學習進度。(Spend three hours a week with us this summer)。若您有心學習的話,也接受上述的說明的話,不妨加入看看吧。^_^---------------------可汗學院Sign up for Summer of Scripting第一封介紹信
Hi bonian,
I'm Pamela, and I teach programming for Khan Academy. Now that we live in a world where so much of our lives go through computers—our personal interactions, our health tracking, our jobs—I think it's increasingly important for everyone to learn how computers work and how you can program them to do what you want. I love programming because it's empowering and creative, and I want you to get a taste of that too, in our Intro to JavaScript course.
I wanted to make it easier for you to get into programming, so I've created our Summer of Scripting. Sign up, and from mid-June to mid-August, I'll send you emails with your goals for the week.
We'll also have weekly contests for everyone in our coding community, so you'll have even more ways to practice programming and show off your growing skills to your friends.
Spend three hours a week with us this summer, and by the end of it, you'll know the fundamentals of JavaScript, one of the world's most popular languages. See you soon!
Teacher, coder, creator
Teacher, coder, creator
If you'd prefer not to receive these types of emails from me, unsubscribe here.
P.S. Yep, I now it's winter in half the world, I spent a few years living in sunny Australia. Consider it a "Winter of Winning" for all of you in the Southern Hemisphere. Sign up today!